Sunday, December 23, 2007

Children's Learning Games - The Fun Way

Children's learning games are increasing in popularity as reflected by an article by Adam Leech in dated 23 Dec 2007.

This article titled 'Smart' toys teach without kids knowing it says:
"According to research by the Consumer Electronics Association and the Toy Industry Association, three-quarters of consumers who purchased an electronic toy for an infant or child of up to 15 years old in the past year did so for its educational value. And three of the top five most purchased types of electronic toys were educational products."

It is really encouraging to this see happening as every year lots of money are spent by parents on toys that are purely for fun and little learning value. With the move to get children's learning games, the parents are now sending a clear signal to toy manufacturers of the type of toys that they will buy for their kids. Kudos to these parents.

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