Friday, December 21, 2007

Educational Video Games by Nintendo

Nintendo has joined in the fray to provide educational video games.

Business Wire dated November 7, 2007 on educational video games says
"Learning System from GXB Interactive and TOMY Delivers State & National Education Standards to Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS"

This is part of a comprehensive learning system designed by teachers for use both in schools and at home. The GXB Learning Series combines content based on U.S. State and National Education standards, the fun and portability of the Game Boy and DS and a web based support system of materials, providing kids the opportunity to learn and play anywhere.

An extract from the news:
"It’s amazing the reaction we have seen in classrooms when we brought in Game Boys and the GXB Learning Series software. You see the kids' eyes light up and they beg the teacher to practice their mathematics skills or add to their reading ability by using the software," said Surya Jayaweera, chief executive officer, GXB Interactive. “Anytime you can captivate kids and motivate kids to learn you are making a difference, and we truly believe that our educational software and the comprehensive learning system will prove to be a revolutionary educational tool in both schools and at home."

This collaboration between companies to produce educational video games is indeed a move in the right direction for learning with fun!

1 comment:

anirban said...

Nice Information man.. Great...!!! I will definitely buy a new one...
